Haleemia Welfare Foundation Pakistan®
Information About Membership Form
Asslam O Alaikum…..
Dear All,
Welcome to HWFP Family.
You have been alotted a submission number of membership and kindly keep it as record and soon we will contact you to issue you the HWFP Reg. number.
We are pleased to welcome you as member of the Halemia welfare foundation Pakistan and we will welcome you as a valuable member of our organization.
I as Chairman / Founder of HWFP will designate you as Pakistan Rehnuma . I hope Mr. / Ms…..perform all his / her responsibilities of Pakistan Rehnuma with devotion , loyalty , hardwork ,honesty & commitment.
It is requested to all Pakistan Rehnuma around the globe to follow and honor the instructions of Chairman/Founder so that we all being a perfect team work with devotion and honesty for the betterment of community.
Thanking in Anticipation…
Best of Luck.
Dr Kamran Saeed and Team
Haleemia Welfare Foundation Pakistan (HWFP)
Contact : 0345/0321-4605011