Haleemia Welfare Foundation Pakistan®(HWF)
Rules And Regulations
(Articles of Associated Membership)
1- Membership is open to every citizen of at least 18 years of agewithout any discrimination of gender, religion, color, creed, etc. ofthe country/ world who agrees with the Rules and Regulations of the Foundation.
2- All members should work under the supervision of the chairman and should consult before takingAny decisions and making any actions for HWF.
3-After selection as a memberof HWF. He/she must follow the rules and regulations of HWF.
4-Being the members of HWF,each member must sign and submit the affidavit/Bayan-e-Halfi of HWF.
5- Each member of HWF will perform his duties regularly and vigilentlywithout any reward and regards and should be a role model for other people.
6-Every member,actions and deeds should show the real meanings of our mission and vision “Created To Serve The Humanity” by every way of life.
7-If a member deviate or don,t follow the rules and regulations of HWF, he will be disqualified from the HWF membership.
8-Any member who only gets the membership for the sake of getting any designation,rank or higher authority,he is advised to not get membership of HWF and he will be disqualified at any Timefrom HWF membership. Chairman General Secretary Finance Secretary.
9-All member,s selection will be on purely merit and with the consensus of Chairman as well as Central Executive Committee of HWF.
10-Each member of the Central Executive Committee or other committee of HWF will pay the membership fee of Rs.300 Pak Rupees.
11-Each member of HWF is responsible for the campaign, giving message of HWF to the friends as well as relatives and other people around them so that maximum message will be delivered to the public.